Notice Inviting e-tender(NIT) for installation of HD Webcams reg
RFP for hiring of 01 Single Engine B3-type Helicopter
RFP for hiring of 01 Helicopter Ambulance-reg
RFP for Selection of Technical Agency for GPS-based-Vehicle Tracking Revised
Auction Sale Notice dated: 21-Feb-2024
E-NIT_No. CEO_Acctts_2024_30 Dated 30_01_2024
E-NIT_No. CEO_Acctts_2024_29 Dated 30_01_2024
Notice Inviting e-Tender for Hiring of Vehicles-reg
e-NIT No.CEO/Acctts/2023-24/291 dated:18.12.2023: Printing of Photo Electoral Roll-reg
Auction Sale Notice of Unserviceable/damaged items-regarding
GeM Bid Document for Scanning,Digitization,Transliteration of Old Electoral Rolls
Corrigendum to NIB No. e-NIT/CEO/2022/2 dated:25.06.2022-Printing and Supply of PVC EPIC
Corrigendum to NIB No. e-NIT/CEO/2022/1 dated:25.06.2022-Production and Supply of Holograms for PVC EPIC
Minutes of Meeting (Prebid Conference)-Production and Supply of Holograms for PVC EPIC
Minutes of Meeting (Prebid Conference)-Printing and Supply of PVC EPIC
Tender for Printing and Supply of PVC EPIC
Tender for Production and Supply of Holograms for PVC EPIC
Cancellation of Tender regarding
Corrigendum to eTender NIT No CEO/Acctts/2020-21/459 dated: 29.10.2020
Tender for Supply of Ballot Boxes for the forthcoming District Development Council Elections dated:29.10.2020
Corrigendum(Cancellation of tender No 437 dated 20.10.20)
Tender for the supply of ballot boxes for the forthcoming District Development Council Election, 2020 and Panchayat Bye-Election, 2020
Tender for supply of election/training/publicity material/printing of documents.
Short Term Tender Notice.
Tender for supply of Election Material.
Tender Extension Notice
Tender for supply of election training publicity material
Tender for supply of election training publicity material
Cancellation notice
Tender for supply of election training publicity material.
Tender for supply of election training publicity material.
E-Tender for Supply of Training Material.
Extension to Short term tender notice.
Short term tender notice.
Short term tender notice.
Short term E-tender for supply of election material for Bye-Elections, 2017.
Short term E-tender for supply of election material for Panchayat Elections, 2017.
Minutes of Central Purchase Committee meeting.
E-tender for supply of election material for Panchayat Elections, 2017.
E-tender for supply of election material for the conduct of Elections in the State.
Tender for Printing of Envelopes
Quotation Notice for hoardings and badges for NVD
Extension of date of Tender Notice No. 06 of 2013 - Electoral Rolls and EPIC
Tender for printing and supply of pamphlets posters flex banners with images and text printing
REVISED RFP for Data entry processing and report printing for draft rolls and final electoral rolls and scanning cropping and embedding photographs of electors printing of PVC cards and miniature sheets
Tender for Procurement of Servo Stabilizers
Tender Notice for Supply of BLOs Stickers
Notice for Extension in last date of submission for Tender regarding Bar Code Scanners
Extension in NIT Last Date